My spouse, who is much more accomplished in this tech business than I am, won an award for being one of the most prominent leaders in her company. Beyond the great honour involved and having her life sized posters in all the company locations, this also involved a trip to Hawaii with the rest of the winners and their +1. The trip was amazing. Not just the food, the scenery and the pampering (although those were superb), but also the chance to get exposed to Hawaiian culture. We got instructed by the amazing Shelley Oates in the basics of outrigger canoe-ing and how it pertains to team work and attitude to life.
One of the concepts I was exposed to during this trip, is that of Lōkahi.
Lōkahi is the value of harmony and unity.
Lōkahi seeks harmony in bringing people to win-win agreements. It is working with cooperation and collaboration, so all who contribute feel valued and unified.
The concept captured my imagination. How can I find myself in an environment which fosters such a culture and attitude?
Exit, Stage Left.
Coming back home, I had a long flight to examine what is it that I am doing with my life. Where am I today and where would I like to be in 5, 10, 20 years. I love my team at SAP and I’m doing cutting edge work as far as enterprise software product management and growth is concerned. But…
I was taking my Saturday morning walk in the fields surrounding my home town and made the decision — it was time to leave.
Oh, The places you’ll go!
With the immense support of my spouse (did I mention she rocks?) as well as my managers and peers, I bid farewell to what has been my place of employment, 2nd home and vocational school for exactly 15 years. You can read the full details here. Now it is time to find a new adventure. What will it be? I have no clue. I want it to be someplace or something which will enable me to reach the illusive Lōkahi.
Wait, there’s more.
I won’t leave you without a parting gift. Below is a playlist i’ve prepared for the occasion. Enjoy!
Apple Music: